The Storytime project

This is my New Year’s resolution. In an effort to spend more quality time with my children I plan to dedicate this year 2010 to the art of the story. Please feel free to comment. All posts are property of the author and may not be published or used for any purpose other than personal use unless written permission has been granted by the author.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Comments on "The Yearling"

Well we did our first story of the year tonight. I Sat them down and explained what New Years was, and we talked about resolutions and what that meant. Then I asked Goldie if she wanted to make any. She said that she wanted to be nice to her mommy and not fake cry. I told her those were good resolutions. I then told her about my resolution to make up a story a week for them, and I asked her if she wanted to hear the first one. She did. So I read it to her as she held the picture I painted to go with it. She listened very politely, and the said next time she would like one about a princess, like Cinderella! Haha. I told her I would see what I could come up with. She said she liked the story though, and we talked about it. She liked the part about the snow falling best. She is so funny! Bella on the other hand could have cared less, she mostly just crawled around on me and then started screaming when I would not nurse her. I guess she is still a bit young for it, but perhaps as the year progresses. All in all I think it has been a successful start!


  1. Jennifer,
    What a beautiful resolution. I absolutely love this idea. You are definitely making treasured memories with your daughters. What a talented and creative woman you are!! Thanks so much for commenting over at my blog. I'm so happy you visited.

  2. Jennifer, I happened upon your blog via a friends and I have to say, WOW! Your stories are lovely and your art is truly inspiring. I am a fan. Beautiful work.


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